Due to collection and processing issues that were beyond our control, there may be some mis-match between cause of death and demographics.
Race assignment for out-of-state Georgia residents overestimated the category multi-racial. Once corrected, the number of White and Black or African-American deaths increased 4.3% and 2.9% respectively. Overall numbers and rates were not affected. This update occurred 9.14.2015.
Hispanic Ethnicity is most likely under-reported on the death certificate. Several studies conducted in different states indicate that there may be under-reporting of Hispanic ethnicity on death certificates. A cursory review of linked Georgia data shows a 35% decrease from Hispanic-at-birth to Non-Hispanic at death, and a 25% decrease from Hispanic-mother-during-delivery to Non-Hispanic at death.
On 7.22.2021 the NCHS Rankable Cause “Influenza and Pneumonia” was updated to include ICD10 code J09 to reflect evolving standards from NCHS.
SIDS data were accidentally inflated during the period 1/25/23 – 3/3/23.
Content Version 3/2/2023